Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Romney v. Santorum: Economic vs. Social Issues

While I am unable to crawl into the mind of every Republican voter and know what motivated them to select either Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum, I believe that Michigan will come down to whether Republican voters in the state are more concerned about economic issues or social issues.

Mitt Romney is touting his business expieriance and ability to create jobs. He has also made a key attack point, Rick Santorum's lack of business expieriance. Santourum has argued that Romney would've allowed the automakers to go bankrupt, depriving Michigan of thousands of jobs. Santorum doesn't mention that he also did not support the government bailout of the automakers. But why let facts get in the way of a good attack?

Santorum makes his inroads with voters on social issues. Santorum may be better able to connect with voters of the Midwest with his preaching from the pulpit style of campaign speeches. Romney meanwhile is seen as cold and detatched from the average voter. This allows Santorum to score points on social issues like contraception and governments role in our daily lives.

What matters more to Michigan voters? We'll know soon enough.

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