Thursday, February 23, 2012

Does Romney’s Political Career Depend on Tuesday?

Running for the presidency of the United States is generally the highlight of a politicians political career. The question has been asked; “If Mitt Romney doesn’t win in Michigan and Arizona on Tuesday is his political career over”?

 Well, we are firstly assuming that Romney would not run for a seat in Congress or a state seat in Massachusetts. Overall though, I believe Tuesday is not an absolute game-breaker for Mitt Romney because of the teeter totter that is the Republican nominating process.

I guess the assumption would be that Rick Santorum would win both Arizona and Michigan and use the momentum to roll through the other states. Unlikely.

 No candidate has gotten on any sort of sustained roll. A candidate wins a few states and is promptly stopped in his tracks. Mitt Romney was a sure thing himself less than six weeks ago before key wins by Gingrich and Santorum. Now Santorum is surging, but if Romney wins, than is he the presumptive nominee again?

The process of delegate allocation will probably block any candidate from getting to 1100 delegates they need to be the nominee. Which means I’ll see you at the convention.

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