Monday, May 14, 2012

The Defeat of Richard Luger and Moderations Death

Last Tuesday, longtime Indiana Republican Senator Richard Luger was defeated by Tea Party favorite Richard Mourdock. Luger was a symptom of the very problem that the Tea Party rallies against. He was a long time Washington politician that appeared more tied to Washington than his local district.
The defeat of Senator Luger is also an ominous sign for those wanting Washington to actually get something done. Luger understood how to work across the aisle, looking beyond the party label for the betterment of the country. We need more Richard Lugers’ in the halls of Congress, not less.
As the few incumbents who prided themselves on bipartisianship continue to be defeated by more extreme Tea Party challengers, we need to become concerned about the Congress that we are creating.
By voting out moderate candidates, we are only creating these factions of extremity within both parties. With two extreme political parties, not only does nothing get done, but the American people are deprived of meaningful representation because America is a very conservative country by nature.
 It will be a dark day in America when a little extremity becomes the new moderation.

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