Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Though it lacks the intrigue of the DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN headline of 1948, Rick Santorum has won the Iowa Caucuses.

While this result does not inspire mass faith in the Iowa Republican parties’ counting ability, this apparent Santorum victory has wrenched the Republican Presidential race in an entirely new direction. Mitt Romney went from a slam dunk nominee to having only won New Hampshire.

Now, we have three candidates with a victory each. A protracted race appears likely. The likely candidates are Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Ron Paul will be an intriguing wild card. Santorum was probably the 2012 version of Mike Huckabee, successful in Iowa, but unlikely to draw blood elsewhere.

 Of course, just a week ago, I was predicting a Romney runaway. Politics is a lot like the weather: wait a week, it’ll change.

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